STORIES · 24.12.18
Events | Mindful Living
For those of us celebrating Christmas, it’s finally time to wind down: to pause and set aside our jobs and responsibilities for a few days to enjoy the festivities with our families, friends and loved ones.
The celebrations and delights of Christmas are personal to every one of us, but one thing that unites us all is the warmth we experience watching our family and loved ones’ faces light up as they open a gift. I love that side of Christmas – as a grandmother it’s particularly wonderful to experience the excitement and anticipation of Christmas through my grandchildren’s eyes. But for me Christmas is also a time when I reflect on the year and all the experiences and opportunities it has given me and I feel enormously grateful.
This year in particular has brought me so many joys and as I look back I feel very lucky. But often it is the simplest things I am grateful for: the love of my family, which to my delight now includes another little grand-daughter; for good health and a happy, warm home. I am also especially grateful for the work of the teams at Daylesford, Bamford, Léoube and The Wild Rabbit. This year has been filled with lots of new projects and undertakings, including two new destinations, and they all work so hard to bring the work that we do into your homes and lives and to help bring our visions to life.
Since we founded Daylesford and Bamford, our goal has always been to tread as lightly on this earth as we can and enable others to do so too. By choosing to support us you are helping us to continue investing in the long-term health of the planet, the welfare of animals and the environment.
I wish you all a very special, very merry Christmas and a joyful festive season.