The Lunar Cycle

i find it quite amazing to think that all across the world people gaze up at the same sphere in the sky every night, but it’s the moon’s spiritual qualities that really draw me to it

Mindful Living | Well-Being

I’ve always been fascinated by the moon. I find it quite amazing to think that all across the world people gaze up at the same sphere in the sky every night, but it’s the moon’s spiritual qualities that really draw me to it and have inspired me to learn more about lunar cycles and the meaning behind the different phases the moon passes through. Recently I’ve noticed that the practice of tracking the moon’s cycle and understanding more about its impact on our lives has become increasingly popular. Our bodies are made up of 70% water, so it’s no wonder that the moon, which controls the tides, has the power to affect us all in different ways as well.

Every month, as the moon passes through its eight phases, our experience of each stage and its effect on our mood and our actions shifts. As the moon gets brighter in the sky, there’s a feeling of heightened energy in the air. The ‘new moon’, when the moon is positioned between the earth and sun and is barely visible, signifies new beginnings. The ‘waxing crescent’ moon, when the illuminated portion of the moon is increasing but is less than half, is a time to develop and grow. Then there’s the ‘first quarter’ when exactly half of the moon is visible. If you’ve been working towards something, the road ahead will start to look a little clearer at this time, making it easier for you to make decisions. When the moon moves into ‘waxing gibbous’ and becomes more brighter in the night’s sky, we can start to really act on what we’ve set out to do in the month.

Then comes the ‘full moon’ where the sun lights its entire surface. The full moon is the peak of the cycle and we often feel a release of emotion. I don’t sleep very well at the full moon because I can sense this energy in the air; many of my friends often tell me the same thing. Things feel more heightened and dramatic and nature often responds to this feeling too. Birds can become disoriented. Dogs, like wolfs, are known to howl at the moon when it’s full. Cats might disappear for the night.

The moon then begins to retreat and appear smaller in the sky and as it does so, there’s a shift in energy. After all the excitement of a full moon, this is the time where we become more reflective. The ‘waning gibbous’ stage signifies a time of humility and gratitude. The ‘third quarter’ illuminates the opposite side of the moon to that of the ‘first quarter’, which helps us to see new perspectives.

understanding the lunar cycle and how it impacts our lives might sound strange to some, but to me it makes perfect sense and feels very natural

The last stage before the new moon is the ‘waning crescent’. You can see just a slice of light on the moon’s surface which can encourage us to let go of things that perhaps haven’t gone to plan. We can readdress them when the new moon returns. In the same way that the waxing moon encourages you to be bolder and expansive, the waning moon helps you to rebuild and reexamine your desires. 

As soon as I began to understand the lunar cycle, I saw how there was real power in aligning these stages to my own routine. Each month, when the new moon reappears, I like to set a new, goal or ambition for the month ahead. Often I’ll write down some books I want to read and plan out some time in the week to read more or I’ll focus on being calmer and practise meditation for longer each morning. As the moon gets brighter in the sky, it acts as a gentle reminder to continue our work. As the moon gets smaller, I find time to reflect on what I want to approach next.

Understanding the lunar cycle and how it impacts our lives might sound strange to some, but to me it makes perfect sense and feels very natural. As with everything I do, it’s about being in tune with nature, respecting its rhythms and working with them. It’s also a practical, tangible way that every person, no matter if they live in a city or in the countryside, can become more aligned with natural processes. From how we farm to what we eat, when we work in harmony with nature we find a greater connection to the earth and deeper peace within.